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مدیر بازنشسته

Analytical Characterization of Aluminum, Steel, and Superalloys
CRC; 1 edition | October 10, 2005 | ISBN: 0824758439 | PDF | 768 pages | 40 Mb

This one-of-a-kind reference examines conventional and advanced methodologies for the quantitative evaluation of properties and characterization of microstructures in metals. It presents methods for uncovering valuable information including precipitate mechanisms, kinetics, stability, crystallographic orientation, the effects of thermo-mechanical processing, and residual stress. The editors of Analytical Characterization of Aluminum, Steel, and Superalloys enlist top industry researchers and practitioners from around the world to analyze the methodologies presented in their areas of expertise. Following traditional metallography methods, the book features an atlas of microstructures for aluminum, steel, and superalloys. The text also examines several material characterization methods rarely covered in other references, provides the framework for using advanced laboratory techniques, and discusses component failure identification methods and other measurements that are crucial to components manufacturing. Enabling the evolution of stronger and more function-specific compositions, Analytical Characterization of Aluminum, Steel, and Superalloys offers engineers, researchers, and materials scientists an invaluable reference of many advanced laboratory techniques in the context of characterization and property evaluation methodologies for metals and alloys.

The text does a nice job of detailing various experimental methods and providing examples of their application on commercial alloys…I recommend this reference for practicing engineers and scientists who require general overviews of common characterization techniques and illustrations of what information they can obtain from those techniques. I also recommend it for the outstanding atlas of microstructures provided for aluminum- and iron-based alloys…[which] will prove to be a valuable addition to any engineering laboratory.
- Mark L. Weaver, University of Alabama, in JOM Book Reviews, February 2006





مدیر بازنشسته

P. Makelainen, P. Hassinen “Light-Weight Steel and Aluminium Structures"
Elsevier Science | 1999-06-01 | ISBN: 0080430147 | 894 pages | PDF | 37,8 MB

ICSAS '99 - The Fourth International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures was a sequel to ICSAS '87 held in Cardiff, UK, to ICSAS '91 held in Singapore and to ICSAS '95 held in Istanbul, Turkey. The objective of the conference was to provide a forum for the discussion of recent findings and developments in the design and construction of various types of steel and aluminium structures.
The conference was concerned with the analysis, modelling and design of light-weight or slender structures in which the primary material is structural steel, stainless or aluminium. The structural analysis papers presented at the conference cover both static and dynamic behaviour, instability behaviour and long-term behaviour under hygrothermal effects. The results of the latest research and development of some new structural products were also presented at the conference. A total of 76 papers and 30 posters were presented at the conference by participants from 36 countries in all 6 continents.




مدیر بازنشسته

Advances in Steel Structures
Elsevier Science; 1 edition | December 1, 2002 | ISBN: 0080440177 | 1276 pages | PDF | 40 Mb

Hardbound. These two volumes of proceedings contain nine invited keynote papers and 130 contributed papers presented at the Third International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures (ICASS '02) held on 9-11 December 2002 in Hong Kong, China. The conference is a sequel to the First and the Second International Conferences on Advances in Steel Structures held in Hong Kong in December 1996 and 1999.

The conference provides a forum for discussion and dissemination by researchers and designers of recent advances in the analysis, behaviour, design and construction of steel structures. Papers were contributed from over 18 countries around the world. They report current state-of-the art and point to future directions of structural steel research, covering a wide spectrum of topics including: beams and columns; connections; scaffolds and slender structures; cold-formed steel; composite construction; plates; shells; bridges; dynamics; impact mechanics




مدیر بازنشسته
یه کتاب هم هست.پر از عکس TEM برای کسانی که پایان نامه دارن و عکس TEM میخوان(چون محدودیت این میکروسکپ را داریم)

اما انگار هیچ استقبالی از این قسمت نمیشه.

به هر حال اگر استقبال نشه.این قسمت هم یکی از قسمتهای بدون بازدید و بدرد نخور تایپیک مهندسی مواد میشه.

موفق و پیروز باشید


عضو جدید
یه کتاب هم هست.پر از عکس TEM برای کسانی که پایان نامه دارن و عکس TEM میخوان(چون محدودیت این میکروسکپ را داریم)

اما انگار هیچ استقبالی از این قسمت نمیشه.

به هر حال اگر استقبال نشه.این قسمت هم یکی از قسمتهای بدون بازدید و بدرد نخور تایپیک مهندسی مواد میشه.

موفق و پیروز باشید
سلام ، اتفاقا من از این قسمت خیلی خوشم اومد و استفاده هم کردم واقعا ممنون دست شما درد نکنه.;)


عضو جدید
یه کتاب هم هست.پر از عکس TEM برای کسانی که پایان نامه دارن و عکس TEM میخوان(چون محدودیت این میکروسکپ را داریم)

اما انگار هیچ استقبالی از این قسمت نمیشه.

به هر حال اگر استقبال نشه.این قسمت هم یکی از قسمتهای بدون بازدید و بدرد نخور تایپیک مهندسی مواد میشه.

موفق و پیروز باشید

من که شخصا از دیدن عنوان این تاپیک خیلی خوشحال شدم.
درصد دم تو یه فرصت از کافی نت برای دانلود استفاده کنم ( حجم کتاب نسبتا بالا و سرعت Dial up خونگی پائین)

خودم هم 2-3 گیگی رو هارد دارم منتها نمی تونستم آپلودشون کنم. اگر لینک شون رو از رپید شر پیدا کردم حتما قرار می دم اینجا.


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
یه کتاب هم هست.پر از عکس TEM برای کسانی که پایان نامه دارن و عکس TEM میخوان(چون محدودیت این میکروسکپ را داریم)

اما انگار هیچ استقبالی از این قسمت نمیشه.

به هر حال اگر استقبال نشه.این قسمت هم یکی از قسمتهای بدون بازدید و بدرد نخور تایپیک مهندسی مواد میشه.

موفق و پیروز باشید

سلام آقا رضا
واقعا زحمت میکشی... ما که استفاده می کنیم.... ممنون....


مدیر بازنشسته

Mechanical Properties of Engineered Materials
Publisher: CRC | Pages: 608 | 2002-11-20 | ISBN 0824789008 | PDF | 9 MB

Featuring in-depth discussions on tensile and compressive properties, shear properties, strength, hardness, environmental effects, and creep crack growth, Mechanical Properties of Engineered Materials considers computation of principal stresses and strains, mechanical testing, plasticity in ceramics, metals, intermetallics, and polymers, materials selection for thermal shock resistance, the analysis of failure mechanisms such as fatigue, fracture, and creep, and fatigue life prediction. It is a top-shelf reference for professionals and students in materials, chemical, mechanical, corrosion, industrial, civil, and maintenance engineering; and surface chemistry.




مدیر بازنشسته

Handbook of Extractive Metallurgy
Publisher: Wiley | 2000 pages | January 9, 1998 | ISBN 3527287922 | PDF | 47 MB
A wealth of data on metals and their extraction is revealed in this comprehensive handbook. The aim of this book is to provide a clear description of how a particular metal is extracted industrially from different raw materials, and on what its important compounds are.
The present work is a collection of 58 articles written by over 280 specialists. It supplies thousands of top-quality illustrations, diagrams and charts, and provides hand-picked references ensuring the most up-to-date coverage.
A unique feature of this reference work is its structure. The system used here is according to an economic classification, which reflects mainly the uses, occurrence and economic value of metals. First, the ferrous metals, i.e., those used in the production of iron and steel, are outlined. Then, nonferrous metals are subdivided into primary, secondary, light, precious, refractory, scattered, radioactive, rare earth, ferroalloy metals, and, finally, the alkali and the alkaline earth metals are described.


مدیر ارشد
مدیر کل سایت
مدیر ارشد

Handbook of Extractive Metallurgy
Publisher: Wiley | 2000 pages | January 9, 1998 | ISBN 3527287922 | PDF | 47 MB
A wealth of data on metals and their extraction is revealed in this comprehensive handbook. The aim of this book is to provide a clear description of how a particular metal is extracted industrially from different raw materials, and on what its important compounds are.
The present work is a collection of 58 articles written by over 280 specialists. It supplies thousands of top-quality illustrations, diagrams and charts, and provides hand-picked references ensuring the most up-to-date coverage.
A unique feature of this reference work is its structure. The system used here is according to an economic classification, which reflects mainly the uses, occurrence and economic value of metals. First, the ferrous metals, i.e., those used in the production of iron and steel, are outlined. Then, nonferrous metals are subdivided into primary, secondary, light, precious, refractory, scattered, radioactive, rare earth, ferroalloy metals, and, finally, the alkali and the alkaline earth metals are described.

مهندس جان سایتی رو که برای دانلود درج کردید حتما باید با IP روسیه وارد شد چون امکان دانلود برای ایران رو نمی دهد و برای این کار باید کلا از بخش دیگر کشورها یا از بخش مخصوص ایران آپلود شود که در حال حاظر این کتاب هم برای روسیه اپلود شده است.



مدیر ارشد
مدیر کل سایت
مدیر ارشد

Mechanical Properties of Engineered Materials
Publisher: CRC | Pages: 608 | 2002-11-20 | ISBN 0824789008 | PDF | 9 MB

Featuring in-depth discussions on tensile and compressive properties, shear properties, strength, hardness, environmental effects, and creep crack growth, Mechanical Properties of Engineered Materials considers computation of principal stresses and strains, mechanical testing, plasticity in ceramics, metals, intermetallics, and polymers, materials selection for thermal shock resistance, the analysis of failure mechanisms such as fatigue, fracture, and creep, and fatigue life prediction. It is a top-shelf reference for professionals and students in materials, chemical, mechanical, corrosion, industrial, civil, and maintenance engineering; and surface chemistry.





مدیر بازنشسته
دوستان همانطور که پیرجو عزیز گفت بعضی از کتابها با آی پی های خارج از ایران یافقط با

بعضی از آی پی های ایران باز میشه.و تا اونجا که بررسی کردم فقط سایت uploding

بدین صورته.به هر حال یا از برنامه ای استفاده کند که ای پی راتغییر بده یا از لینکهای

دیگر استفاده کنید.البته کتابایی را که گذاشتم.خودم میتونم دانلودشون کنم.به همین

خاطر تو سایت می زارمشون
آخرین ویرایش:


مدیر بازنشسته
از دوستان اگه کسی کتاب خاصی را مد نظر داره بگه تا بزارم.مبحث فولاد و آلیاژها گستردست. و من نمیدونم بیشتر در کدوم قسمت کتاب معرفی کنم


مدیر بازنشسته
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Textures of Materials. 2 Volumes.

McGill University, Montreal, Canada, August 9-13, 1999
By J.A. Szpunar

Publisher: NRC Research Press
Number Of Pages: 1702
Publication Date: 1999-07-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0660177897
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780660177892
Binding: Hardcover

ICOTOM conferences are held every three years and are traditionally the most important events for the community of researchers working on various texture-related projects. The present definition of texture incorporates not only the crystallographic texture, as defined by the orientation distribution function, but also the grain misorientation distribution which is related to various aspects of grain boundary engineering. The grain shape, mean size and type of alignment of fibres, rocks, surface deposits, and polymeric grains, fall into a broader definition of texture. ICOTOM is a meeting place for all researchers investigating polycrystalline materials, in particular: metallurgists, geologists, mineralogists, those working with polymers, ceramics, thin films, and coatings.

The proceedings of ICOTOM 12 is a collection of research papers concerning the most recent developments in the following research areas:

- Methods of texture and microstructure description and analysis.

- Experimental methods of texture and microtexture measurement.

- Modelling of texture development during various types of processing operations (rolling, recrystallization, electroplating, sputtering, etc.)

- Texture processing and texture control in the steel and aluminum industries.

- Texture in thin films and coatings.

- Rock texture and anisotropy of the earth.

- Textures in ceramics, polymers and composite materials.

- Texture and anisotropy of physical, chemical and mechanical properties of polycrystalline materials.

- Role of texture in oxidation and corrosion processes.

- Interface engineering, role of texture in controlling the grain boundary character distribution and
related properties of polycrystalline materials

آخرین ویرایش:


مدیر بازنشسته

Fundamentals of Powder Diffraction and Structural Characterization of Materials, Second Edition (Recent Results in Cancer Research)
By Vitalij Pecharsky, Peter Zavalij

Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 744
Publication Date: 2008-11-21
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0387095780
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780387095783
Binding: Paperback

آخرین ویرایش:


مدیر بازنشسته
هرکدوم از لینکها که کار نکرد یا پاک شد.بگید تا دوباره لینک جدید بزارم.در حال حاضر لینکهای فوق کار میکنه
آخرین ویرایش:


مدیر بازنشسته

P. Makelainen, P. Hassinen “Light-Weight Steel and Aluminium Structures"
Elsevier Science | 1999-06-01 | ISBN: 0080430147 | 894 pages | PDF | 37,8 MB

ICSAS '99 - The Fourth International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures was a sequel to ICSAS '87 held in Cardiff, UK, to ICSAS '91 held in Singapore and to ICSAS '95 held in Istanbul, Turkey. The objective of the conference was to provide a forum for the discussion of recent findings and developments in the design and construction of various types of steel and aluminium structures.
The conference was concerned with the analysis, modelling and design of light-weight or slender structures in which the primary material is structural steel, stainless or aluminium. The structural analysis papers presented at the conference cover both static and dynamic behaviour, instability behaviour and long-term behaviour under hygrothermal effects. The results of the latest research and development of some new structural products were also presented at the conference. A total of 76 papers and 30 posters were presented at the conference by participants from 36 countries in all 6 continents.



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