شبیه سازی مایکروگرید در متلب


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این یه قسمت از متن مقاله ایه که من باید شبیه سازی کنم

The microgrid connection/disconnection is controlled by the microgrid control switch (MGCS). It is assumed that all the DGs are converter interfaced and the DG control is designed to enable the microgrid islanded operation during a grid disturbance. Moreover,these DGs limit their output currents to twice the rated current during a fault in the microgrid to protect their power switches

DGs are converter interfacedیعنی اینجا گفته دی جی مورد استفاده توی مقاله چیه؟؟
چیه؟کلید بخصوصی توی نرم افزاره؟MGCSمنظو رش از

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